so--whats your solution Cofty ?
these fights were obviously pre planned.
i don't normally bother with the gutter press, but this was interesting.. what they didn't show was that the faces of the kids, probably due to their age.. i saw the picture before it was pixelled out.
interesting that the kids with the machettes looked like members of the religion of peace.. just sayin'.. interesting to see what low life scum the film was about.. good grief, can't the jobos be right and armageddon(tm) come?.
so--whats your solution Cofty ?
these fights were obviously pre planned.
i don't normally bother with the gutter press, but this was interesting.. what they didn't show was that the faces of the kids, probably due to their age.. i saw the picture before it was pixelled out.
interesting that the kids with the machettes looked like members of the religion of peace.. just sayin'.. interesting to see what low life scum the film was about.. good grief, can't the jobos be right and armageddon(tm) come?.
just leave em to fight it out. nothing new about youth gang fights.
at an assembly in texas is it me or are there not too many young folk about 😉.
Oh, except that strange guy that has come for years and everyone tries to avoid because he is a pain....
and what about all those who only show up for the passover memorial or whatever its called now.
we used to call them the nisan kids: just getting their armageddon card stamped.
my oldest boy got pissed that i started going back to meetings so i had one last conversation with him as he moved out.
(only went back to try and not loose whole family) during the conversation things got a bit heated and i mentioned a couple of false prophecies in the bible the rest of family heard so now they think i don’t believe at all.
guess their right think my going back was just a ruse, yes that’s true to.
further to my above post, let me explain..
i had been a pioneer in my teens--and a servant in my early 20's. i gave public talks both home and away. i had a few parts at circuit assemblies.
i resigned at a jw in 1971. i told the overseer i no longer wanted to be considered a jw because i didnt believe in god--therefore most of the doctrines were meaningless to me. but i would attend some meetings for the sake of my wife, but take no part in it. he accepted this--no announcement was made..i was not d/f. i still had many friends who were still jw's. i did attend occasional meetings when my wife nagged or bribed me into going. no one shunned me.
i wonder if this would work nowadays ?
my oldest boy got pissed that i started going back to meetings so i had one last conversation with him as he moved out.
(only went back to try and not loose whole family) during the conversation things got a bit heated and i mentioned a couple of false prophecies in the bible the rest of family heard so now they think i don’t believe at all.
guess their right think my going back was just a ruse, yes that’s true to.
i cut all connection with the cult in 1981, when my born in dub wife divorced me. i maintained regular contact with my kids for a few years--till they started to shun me. that quickly escalated --solicitors got involved--and i had to back away.
i really missed my kids--so much so i reasoned the only way to have contact with them was to go back into the cult. i hated the very idea of it.
it was only after i talked to my dad about it that i saw it all in perspective. Dad was a devout JW--i think he was an elder then--although we had regular contact. he said it would only ever work if i went back in because of my love of jehovah. that said it all. i simply did not believe in god--so how could i be a witness for something that doesnt exsist ?
ive never seen my youngest son since. hes 41 now--married with at least 1 kid i heard. he refused--in writing--to have anything to do with me--in the year 2000 , after i had written to him.
my daughter--now 48, wont have anything to do with me--and even shunned my dad when he lived in a care home a mile from her--that was 2013-to 16. i think that was because she found out i was seeing dad.. she has 4 daughters--ive never met them.
my older son--now 43 was d/f some time back. i made contact with him after i found out ( from my dad ). he and i have rebuilt a good relationship. hes married and has a 4 year old boy--my grandson--the only one ive met. i'm seeing them at christmas.
this is the price you could pay if you leave the cult.
i think it's really sad that people that wasted countless hours preaching for a cult are deciding to waste more hours on that same cult after leaving it.. get a hobby.
enjoy life.. "the best revenge is a life well-lived.
" - some person said this..
can anyone remember the thread on here about someone--in an assembly--using his phone to "set up" an apostate type hot spot ? it was all too technical for me--but it seemed like a workable idea.
i know some would not think about retirement.
i had one brother who would pioneer as he could afford and when he paid off his home he was about to collect social security.
he made enough that his plan was to work two to three days a week and pioneer the rest of the week.
i'm happily retired. ive had some really shit jobs in my time. the things we have to do to earn a crust.
i must say, i have had my battery mower, trimmer, blower for about a year now and could not be happier (ryobi 40 volt stuff).
the same battery works in everything.
just plug and play.. yes, they are more expensive to purchase, probably 30% to 50% more than gas.
i bought my 4th electric mower when i moved into my present house in 2016. it was cheap--works fine..but that damn cord really held things up.
this summer i bought a swift 40 volt cordless--and can mow my lawn in 20 mins...which is just about how long the charge lasts.
the mower seems very well made and tough. i paid £85 ( UK pounds ) for it--so i got quite a bargain...the battery alone costs that much ! it takes about 4 hours to charge. I almost like mowing the lawn now. i definitely recommend it.
i then bought a cheap Beldray stick vacuum cleaner--cordless. about £60 in tesco's. does the whole house on one charge..but i tend to use it instead of a dust pan and brush
do your jw relatives still talk to you?
are you now not very close?
are you avoided?
plans for december:.
a few friends and i have planned a full month of kindness , giving and sharing experiences for us to help those who may need it.. the first weekend of dec we are all going to be taking some elderly ones who are on their own, cant get out and about for christmas shopping.they are alone (except friends, no family who cares to be there for them at all) , so we thought we can take them shopping for gifts and stuff, it will help them get out too for a day or two.. second weekend will be spent with wrapping gifts ,writing cards, letters for these elderly ones and taking them out for an event which they chose to go to.
third weekend we and these elderly ones are all sharing in making different dishes ,soups,muffins, cakes etc and taking them round to the homeless shelters and giving it out to people there (volunteering there afterwards too ,they need all the help they can).. fourth weekend us friends are going with gifts to three different shelters for the homeless and donating it there plus volunteering in a soup kitchen.. fifth weekend us friends have arranged for all these elderly ones to a weekend of chilling , fun activities for them ,food n drinks n all.. just doing this so those who havent got anybody can also feel the warmth, kindness people have and so that thye do not feel left out and depressed.. so looking for ward to a busy and happy giving december for my friends and me.. can you think of anything else that can be added to these above mentioned activities?.
hello Zing..i hadnt seen you posting for a while.